Deerhoof - Fresh Born (2008)

  • Deerhoof - Fresh Born

    Clip Info

    • Artist: Deerhoof
    • Song: Fresh Born
    • Length: 03:39
    • View count: 255,701
    • Uploaded: 2013-02-09


    • for over 5 years this mega american hype machine has pimped and pumped one band .. more than any .. then eventually gloating on their own narcissistic bullshit they declared Deerhoof to be the "best band of earth" Deerhoofs tingting aside, Pitchfork is a shit one eyed elite blog which takes thousands of dollards from various agencies to create hype ... down with this elitism and nepotism ..

    • Bambi boo stand push upBorn born born born bornBambi totters foot footTot tot tot tot totMini body S.O.S. dottyDowny hairy tip toeing moonyTiny hoofies bend oh bend bonnyPuffy butty stand up now waggyBamboozle hide in grassDown down down down downBambi boo hop step jumpFawn fawn fawn fawn fawnRah Rah Rah Rah Rah

    • About ten years ago, I saw them live in Houston. Greg was drumming so hard that he broke the stool he was on. He played in an awkward crouch for one song until someone brought him a steel chair replacement. The man is wild.

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