After the Burial - Catacombs (2016)

  • After the Burial - Catacombs

    Clip Info

    • Artist: After the Burial
    • Song: Catacombs
    • Length: 04:25
    • View count: 463,356
    • Uploaded: 2016-02-17


    • I’m happy because I feel like bands like this are gonna be on the radio soon and we are actually gonna get some new heavy music on the radio again. I could be wrong but that would be awesome if the radio would start playing these new djent bands cuz a lot of them have radio-friendly music and it would be awesome to have them played!

    • If you are one of the heartless assholes who somehow disliked this song/band then you can grab the nearest size 14 and stick it up your ass before I do.

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