can i just the song...but as for the video...why are they using the cutters on the bottom of the car trying to cut a hole into it to get down into the vehicle when it was obvious from the beginning they could just pull her out where she lay in the video...
Craig Beto
When the two of them sing that final note.. get goosebumps every time
Cat Lover
OMG!!! the song is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! and I love Citroen!!! Thank you for it!!!!!
thai numberone
Why is the fire fighter removing the axle from the car that is not going to save anyone lol
Djkae 10
Remember Cemetery Gates.
Danny Beatham
can i just the song...but as for the video...why are they using the cutters on the bottom of the car trying to cut a hole into it to get down into the vehicle when it was obvious from the beginning they could just pull her out where she lay in the video...
Sven Ove Lofthus
What do you translate your bandname to? And why did you dicide to call yourself that?
Cringy as this video may be, it actually conveys an important message: never EVER leave your loved ones in anger.
Vitek Volkard
Boy you is country you know cmon lol get some! ! !
Enzo Noneya
i love my babygirl and this song makes me think of her... :) :) :)
onescaredcat 3D
Ok, my second song, I’m hooked. Amazing band. I’m going to buy me some music
Roger Sadler
where was this "sound" 50 years ago??? I could have been famous.....