Arrested Development - Bloody (2010)

  • Arrested Development - Bloody

    Clip Info


    • The reason they are talking about it is because their is still a major poltical shift at taking more land resources( Aka water, oil ) from people. Which fuel some of these massacres around the world because corporations own governments. I know alot of people who are tired of the same bull S**T that the industry plays. Good job AD!!

    • Keeping it real ? This is the real Jam and not all this throne stuff. So to all those following those who are sitting up on some throne ? Good luck we will see as it unfolds worldwide

    • This track is DOPE!!!! One of many new hot songs by Arrested Development! I love how each album is different! Heroes of the Harvest, Among the Trees, Since The Last Time....and now STRONG!!! All so relevant, different & equally BANGING!!!

    • Just noticed on those helmets sign x0x0x, anyone know the meaning of it ? my guess is that it was put there with some reason

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