Ivrish con-Abarth 2019-02-12 03:15:42 My best ever At The Gates -song: Raped By The Light Of Christ. Not easy to choose, but if have pick one. And not because or despite of the name, the song is just art.
Vendel 2018-11-21 09:05:21 One of the greatest bands ever! The poor american kids will keep trying to copy the original swedish metal but the copy is and will be always a copy!
NeppV 2018-08-09 21:43:46 lol the comment section is filled with trolls, get a life morons, by the way this rules 8)
Ivrish con-Abarth
My best ever At The Gates -song: Raped By The Light Of Christ. Not easy to choose, but if have pick one. And not because or despite of the name, the song is just art.
Jay Rispin
\m/ At The Gates \m/
Mike Dixon
Swallowed by earth itself....
One of the greatest bands ever! The poor american kids will keep trying to copy the original swedish metal but the copy is and will be always a copy!
Big Pen
what the fucking vocals?
lol the comment section is filled with trolls, get a life morons, by the way this rules 8)
El Joven Lobo
Amazing song! I’m so glad Behemoth introduced me to At the gates.