Bastille - Quarter Past Midnight (2018)

  • Bastille - Quarter Past Midnight

    Clip Info

    • Artist: Bastille
    • Song: Quarter Past Midnight
    • Length: 03:26
    • View count: 6,802,040
    • Uploaded: 2018-05-23


    • Seems halfway between a bad trip of zoning back in and being suddenly aware of your surroundings & being only half aware of how you got there and/or like that time in junior year when my anxiety got so bad I had a mental breakdown and lost concept of time for 12 days where I would just fall from one morning to the three nights later, having no control/just running on auto pilot except for when I would snap out of it for a few minutes and then go back into autopilot [funfact: the whole time and following no one noticed the change to ask if I was ok ;) ]

    • This song just makes me want to run around a big city in the late night early morning hours with either a guy or my best friends.

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