Brandi Carlile - That Year (2009)

  • Brandi Carlile - That Year

    Clip Info

    • Artist: Brandi Carlile
    • Song: That Year
    • Length: 03:35
    • View count: 2,737,558
    • Uploaded: 2010-02-19


    • love her music was in college in ireland dublin and asked every american student did they know her anyone who knew her ended up being my friend the rest had ta prove something she is an unbelievable talent

    • I am fortunate in life to be able to hear your words.. dear Brandi and Twins.. and all those who come together with you to complete the songs.. Thank you! XO

    • Brandi, I have been listening to you for 10 years now, you have become a friend of mine. I thought i heard every song youve made, until i stumbled on this one today. I also lost a friend to suicide when i was 15. It is something that has always been a big part of my life when it comes to me realizing who i want to be in this world and the kind of mark i want to make. I had been using drugs for nearly 8 years after it happened to supress what i was feeling. This month i am officially clean, and to hear this song i feel not so alone in the walk of vulnerability. Nick, I love and think about you all of the time. i promised i would do all of these amazing things in your name for those who struggle. I am sorry i have not shown up these past 8 years, but i am here now.

    • You could have taken a long break instead of a long drop from a high place. Its been 12 years now from the day you passed. I miss you so much, and I still hate myself for not be with you when you face a hard time . Im truly sorry.

    • I heard your song, "The Joke" today on the radio.  It was the first song in years that made me think, WOW!.  I live in Australia and I had never heard of you before, but now I know.  Music pours out of you like the sun.  Thank you and please never stop making music.

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