Bruce Springsteen - My Fathers House (2005)

  • Bruce Springsteen - My Fathers House

Clip Info

  • Artist: Bruce Springsteen
  • Song: My Fathers House
  • Length: 07:45
  • View count: 1,317,673
  • Uploaded: 2008-04-14


  • My dad passed away 2.5 weeks ago, on March 22 this year. It was very sudden and nothing that anyone anticipated. He was too young. On the same day, I received the birthday card he sent me. He emphasized how much he wanted to see me (he lived in the US, I live in Europe), and how much he loved me. We shared a lot of qualities, but were also different (especially our ideologies). When I went to his house, it became (again) clear to me that we had a strong bond. That was one side of our relationship. On the other side, it was not always easy to be close to him for a long time. He was quite a character, a very big personality. Love him - always.

  • The simplicity of the music is proof that its not just the chords you play, but how you play the chords you know and what you have to deliver while playing them. The Boss is a force of nature.

  • Hey man, Bruce will neva die, how can he? He is legend and humanity has never seen the likes of him.. woe that day when he passes, I will surely shrivell up.. he is and will b legend... all his music tells a human story.. awesome in concert too.. ❤️❤️❤️☠️

  • There is no one more in tune with humanity like Springsteen, I love all his songs and am a fan from a young girl.. he is truly the Stuff Of Legend..,Thank god we have his music and woes the day he passes for I will shrivel up like a withered leaf... I dedicate this song to my dad and his beloved house we’re we live together and I played it for him. He was amazed... so sad, but so beautiful. I love u Bruce 4eva..

  • In his Springsteen on Broadway performance he talks about how he later understood his dad was only the way he was because of depression and he only later found out and that just breaks me

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