Cold War Kids - We Used to Vacation (2007)

  • Cold War Kids - We Used to Vacation

    Clip Info

    • Artist: Cold War Kids
    • Song: We Used to Vacation
    • Length: 04:05
    • View count: 2,919,883
    • Uploaded: 2007-05-18


    • “But at the meetings I felt so empty” I’m tired of the AA broken record, but “this will blow over in time, this will all blow over in time”

    • I love the lyrics its like i can picture the story hes telling great song ive had it stuck in my head since i was like 17.. 26 now

    • I remember in 2008 when I was 6 I got a MP3 player and my mom put a bunch of her music on it and this was one of the songs. During the time my dad was on a deployment to Iraq and the events happening there were broadcasted on the news so I thought this was a song about service members and war and now looking back it’s kinda funny to see how my 6 year old self saw songs and the world. (P.S. my dad made it back and went on another development during 2012 to Afghanistan and also made it back ok) (P.P.S. He is a us marine)

    • The title is fantastic. In the context of the theme it’s almost more interesting than all the lyrics. Totally something an alcoholic husband and his family would reminisce about

    • i stole their morraca at one of their shows over ten years ago and i emailed them to let them know i had it and they emailed me back asking me to give them $30.