Counting Crows - Round Here (1998)

  • Counting Crows - Round Here

Clip Info

  • Artist: Counting Crows
  • Song: Round Here
  • Length: 05:40
  • View count: 28,730,568
  • Uploaded: 2009-06-17


  • Cant beat 90s videos like this and REM for weird hand movements and odd half dances. Beautiful days...beautiful days

  • I was listening to this song on the airplane when I got a call from my best friend about one of our really good friends committing suicide. I love this song so much, but every time I listen to it, it takes me back to that moment. Almost every time I hear the lines about Maria wanting to commit suicide, my eyes well up with sadness. Please if you are suicidal, talk to someone. You never know how much of a difference you make for the people who love you.

  • i come back time and time again to listen to the song that makes me sad and takes me back in time... wishing i could open my eyes and be back in that month and year... dammmm i wish i could go backmany years have gone by... so much pain and sufering.. there is no closure..... time does not heal the pain

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