These cats were so underated at the time and they just really have created another style of hip hop, where you can relax and chill. These guys were one of the best hip hop artists of all time because no one else was buzzing off a block. All Respect. A true one of a kind. Timeless.
Fernando Mendoza
Shout out to TCM and Jude for helping me find this.
A true classic that will never die.
Marsel Music
just going through a bunch of 90s and 00s hip hop tracks...
Bring back the Cool.
Thumbs up if "For The People" brought you here.
These cats were so underated at the time and they just really have created another style of hip hop, where you can relax and chill. These guys were one of the best hip hop artists of all time because no one else was buzzing off a block. All Respect. A true one of a kind. Timeless.
Kory Millett
Man if anyone hates this they have no taste or soul.