Eli Young Band - Even If It Breaks Your Heart (2012)

  • Eli Young Band - Even If It Breaks Your Heart

    Clip Info

    • Artist: Eli Young Band
    • Song: Even If It Breaks Your Heart
    • Length: 03:44
    • View count: 16,500,277
    • Uploaded: 2012-01-17


    • This song will always have an emotional bond with me, my dad was a drunk before and we woild alwaus listen to this very song, now he doesnt even know it, but at least he is sober. Once person said to me while i was listening to this, i forgot mt earbuds so i played it throigh my phone, “do you mind?” I just told him, “Cant you ley a man live in the past?” My friend just said “let him live.” He just turned around and never said anything else

    • This song came on when we were on the bus on the way to family night at basic training. Everyone on the bus was singing. It was one of the most genuine moments I’ve had in my entire life, I think about it every time I hear this song.

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