Excision - The Paradox (2016)

  • Excision - The Paradox

    Clip Info

    • Artist: Excision
    • Song: The Paradox
    • Length: 04:54
    • View count: 4,135,240
    • Uploaded: 2016-12-05


    • i really liked old dubstep , still listening to all kinds of electronic , metal hybrid stuff , enigma and so on but i can understand why people say they dont like dubstep . the "!mass-dubstep" all sounds the same to me by now. no new melodys , tons of wannabe djs who just remix the same noise over and over again without any feeling in it , its just hardcore bassdestruction . i mean if you just concentrate on the bass its still ok but its so ultra monotone and .....its like a painting made of random sprinkles with the 4 most liked colors in the last 4 years. instead of someone carefully painting a harmonious masterpiece that takes form and lets you see various things in it. just try summing the melody of this and you will notice it has none. ist just dudududuududbbdbdudududududbdbduddub quieee quieeee dududududbdududuudbdudb. and some intensening at some point to flop it at its peak xd. thats all they can do.

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