Glass Animals - Youth (2016)

  • Glass Animals - Youth

Clip Info

  • Artist: Glass Animals
  • Song: Youth
  • Length: 03:54
  • View count: 28,739,969
  • Uploaded: 2016-07-26


  • I cry everytime listening to this. I love this song it means so much to me happy and sad. And the baby boy is beyond precious.

  • I know no one cares about stuff like this but I just wanted to speak on the power of art because it’s beautiful. This video and this entire album has been a huge catalyst and help in me saving myself and my family. I was forcing my husband and 3 kids to live with my abusive parents so that I could try to make them love us before they died. All they did was hurt us more and instead of dealing with it I kept staying there and started doing pain pills. This video helped hit home how much I don’t need my parents and it made me never want to escape from my reality again. I hadn’t quite gotten to a stage of disgust, but I sure have done a lot of regrettable things. This album helps me have the strength to keep doing my best to learn to be better and to learn to be the best I can be for my kids. I don’t want to be held back by anything anymore and I don’t want to hold back my family. Thank you glass animal and crew:) your saving lives with this music

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