Grimes - Oblivion (2012)

  • Grimes - Oblivion

Clip Info

  • Artist: Grimes
  • Song: Oblivion
  • Length: 04:12
  • View count: 41,606,752
  • Uploaded: 2012-03-02


  • when i saw this video, i get in love with her voice, also i learn that i can really like girls with good painting hair and how motocross is really popular in usa or canada.

  • This is an encoding from God essentially alluding that California has decsended into a state of Soddom and Gomorrah, Soddom and Gomorrah wasnt referring to homosexuality because there were also heterosexual people engaging in things also. Soddom and Gomorrah is about how a whole population is so reprobate that they dont ever aspire to connect to God or make God the focus of the city. Thus all of the alluding to symbolism in the video, lifting weights motorcross stadium sports how these are just manifestations of a population that does not have a balanced life with God. also notice the cross she is wearing.

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