Took me 11 years to re-find this song, it was once my fav songs in a wow movie called (R14 Orc Warrior : WoW 5 : The Power of Fury : Reckless Mortal by Weeble) delete the movie once of my hard drive & could never find it back.. but just did XD ! made my day
Justin Kahananui
Loved the womans voice. Wish they did more of these.
Rin Chan
Took me 11 years to re-find this song, it was once my fav songs in a wow movie called (R14 Orc Warrior : WoW 5 : The Power of Fury : Reckless Mortal by Weeble) delete the movie once of my hard drive & could never find it back.. but just did XD ! made my day
Cheeto Residue
Can someone help me ? Who is the guitarist in the fron in the first par of the video ? Is Bjorn?
wtf is with that one guy in the trucker hat not playing any instruments or doing shit but swaying around like a hippie ?
Tackey Perry
The masterpiece of Come Clarity
Cody Quinn
she sounds exactly like amy lee
MattAkiraNon Anan
So say goodbye to the world..... We are the dead that walk the earth........
Willy Wanker
i love this song, remember me on my old Left 4 dead times
Metal Rules
When in flames was in flames
Aqua Dragon
Te Best song of in flames