Jimmy Eat World - A Sunday (1999)

  • Jimmy Eat World - A Sunday

Clip Info

  • Artist: Jimmy Eat World
  • Song: A Sunday
  • Length: 04:32
  • View count: 132,097
  • Uploaded: 2010-12-06


  • the same reason Im listening to it now, got it stuck in my head. Great band, hope they continue doing what they do best, making great music!

  • The Academy,We the kings,All time low. all of those new bands have nothing new to bring the indie sound. THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME!!! keep true to your roots and know your music history. The Academy is just another pretty face for mtv FUCK YOU!

  • jimmy eat world are such an amazing band, they should be up their with the beatles and pink floyd - have more recognition in the rock world - still, I suppose since their less well known it makes it more of a cult, makes me feel luckier to know that they exist

  • I relate this song to my life. I work as a car hauler and work from Monday through Saturday. Sunday is always my day to relax and let the whole week subside and have all my stress disappear. I know this song is interpreted differently, but it still hits me in a positive way.

  • wow this is so great. like 8 or 9 years ago, I was driving around out west for a few months. I had the Singles album and got into this habit of listening to it nearly every morning. start to finish. driving as the sun came up. felt like the four and a half minutes in this video spread out over 45. good stuff.

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