I am very proud to have discovered By using Ancestry programme that I have a very large part of my DNA as .Cherokee North American , a great grandmother who was a slave in Virginia , Anglo Saxons from King Arthur , many Viking ancestors from Finland Norway Orkney and even Russia . Also French from William Conqueror who was a great grandfather invading Britain in 1066 , I have Boudicia as a great grandmother , I had ancestors from the Roman Empire some living in Afghanistan defending the Roman Empire and a line of Egyptian Pharos . Jewish ancestors with direct line back to King David and many contemporary Jewish ancestors 11 of whom were exterminated in the concentration camp of Lodz in the last war . My Cherokee ancestors I am informed have traced Cherokee ancestors back to Mongolia . I have been unable to trace back many lines of so called English most of whom it appears retreated to Scotland and Wales and in modern time to North America . ........So it accounts for my feeling since childhood that I never felt English and I am not the only one to think this way .......I see little reason to be patriotic or an Anglophile .
Marie Ann Faulker
I am very proud to have discovered By using Ancestry programme that I have a very large part of my DNA as .Cherokee North American , a great grandmother who was a slave in Virginia , Anglo Saxons from King Arthur , many Viking ancestors from Finland Norway Orkney and even Russia . Also French from William Conqueror who was a great grandfather invading Britain in 1066 , I have Boudicia as a great grandmother , I had ancestors from the Roman Empire some living in Afghanistan defending the Roman Empire and a line of Egyptian Pharos . Jewish ancestors with direct line back to King David and many contemporary Jewish ancestors 11 of whom were exterminated in the concentration camp of Lodz in the last war . My Cherokee ancestors I am informed have traced Cherokee ancestors back to Mongolia . I have been unable to trace back many lines of so called English most of whom it appears retreated to Scotland and Wales and in modern time to North America . ........So it accounts for my feeling since childhood that I never felt English and I am not the only one to think this way .......I see little reason to be patriotic or an Anglophile .