One morning, getting ready for work, I was standing in the shower and this song came on the little radio I had in the bathroom. As I sang along, I realized that my marriage was over. Got out of the shower, got dressed and told her that it was time to end it. She said, "Thank you." and she left. 45 years ago. Best thing for both of us.
Jelly Bean
Johnny Nash knew our earth was flat - deal with it.
Carlos Vasquez
They sang this at my school
Eric Beaulieu
Thank you JoHnny NasH foR tHis BeauTifuL,wonDeRFuL cLassic.
allan olson
It is a bright sunshiny day Life is Awesome
Aj Pippin
One morning, getting ready for work, I was standing in the shower and this song came on the little radio I had in the bathroom. As I sang along, I realized that my marriage was over. Got out of the shower, got dressed and told her that it was time to end it. She said, "Thank you." and she left. 45 years ago. Best thing for both of us.
That’s not Johnny fuckin Cash !
Dale Dearborn
Best song about overcoming depression...that I can think of.
jd rancho
The Grand Tour brought me here.
Maria Sophia Asuncion Rivera
Antz movie brought me here ,
mumoffive powerlover
Give thanks until you can see in the dark