Rachel Rusolo 2019-04-08 14:11:38 i think its a smart song because its a nice love song as far a i can tell !!
Rachel Rusolo
i think its a smart song because its a nice love song as far a i can tell !!
Vahe Iskandaryan
the depth of this track, i cant describe it!!!!!
axel fauves
WHAT a beautiful classic! Nostalgia all the way.
Gautham Hariharam
Wish if the song was long to fall asleep in its trance :-)
Stephanie Jackson
I used to hear this on BPM Sirius XM back in the day.
Denise Bundy
when EDM was good......not the pop crap that they pass as EDM.
Kariim Ahmmad
just discovered this masterpiece ❤❤ thanks god!!!!