I’ll be honest. As an American, I never heard this song. When One Dance came out (although I like Drake), I was mesmerized by the beat and the female vocals. It led me to do more research which brought me here. There are opinions that he stole it, but it my opinion it exposed a highly underrated talent to those who may have never had a chance to listen before, thus provoking a new audience and more appreciation. Is that not what true art does? Isn’t imitation flattery? I don’t see it as a negative.
Ilmymony Jhello
I can just imagine the year 2008 when I listen to this song
summer sun
What does this song mean?
Michelle Clarke
This is old school if you are like me x move ya body . Do you mind if I take you home tonight x baby I like your style let’s get it on x
taraa aaa
anyone remember which mix CD this featured on - Prodigy Omen was also on it? around 2008/09 - answer would be appreciated
Nii OSole
I’ll be honest. As an American, I never heard this song. When One Dance came out (although I like Drake), I was mesmerized by the beat and the female vocals. It led me to do more research which brought me here. There are opinions that he stole it, but it my opinion it exposed a highly underrated talent to those who may have never had a chance to listen before, thus provoking a new audience and more appreciation. Is that not what true art does? Isn’t imitation flattery? I don’t see it as a negative.
Kerry Almieda
Now wow Drake actually added her song in his song awww
Javier Godoy
I only listened to this song cuz I wanted to know who was Kayla buy wow her voice gives me chills and reminds me of the old times with my family ❤️
Love drake version BUT this was has always been my fav
Cheryl Savage
I’m from Hawaii, so everyone knows this song.