LAB - Machine Girl (2003)

  • LAB - Machine Girl

Clip Info

  • Artist: LAB
  • Song: Machine Girl
  • Length: 03:46
  • View count: 51,479
  • Uploaded: 2009-10-25


  • Only 2 albums and now, nothing anymore ! What a pity ! Lab was a great band, very creative and melodic.

  • One day I walked at home to a store and somewhere in my memory this band came out so... I take that porn beautiful album and since then it´s been in my computer,,,

  • what happened to them? They recorded great music. "Is not He Beautifull" or "Get Me Your Name" .. Why did they stop recording?

  • im a s.korean and when this band launched this music i was only 10 yrs old... i like this band but i cant find anything about this attractive band. where are they and what they are doing nowadays???? i reaaaalllllyyy want to see them again

  • The album is very awesome. This band is very much like The Cardigans, I have no idea why are they so unknown?

  • What a beatyfull woman and song, she sings like an angel, and she looks like a sweet cute angel,i love this song and lyrics, i kiss this angel in my darkest an sadest dreams that i have sometimes

  • I am Estonian,but respect bands like this no matter who they are finnish or whatever,they are independend from this f... capitalism,that is why your not find this band nowhere..