My first marraige was from 94-98..I was 28 when it ended...the night she told me she wanted out I went to a strip club planning to drink it all away. I got a lap dance from one of the strippers. I spent alot of time going back to see her. We spent a lot of time talking and she never asked me for a penny. Several years later I got a job at that club as a bouncer and she remembered me. We became best friends and still talk to this day. I will always love this song. I wish sometimes I could go back in time to change the timeline...
Gram Mcmullin
Why do the good people always finish last
Tim Leggett
This song popped on my playlist today..., had to run to turn it off! Worst song ever, total noise pollution!
Bill Hogue
My first marraige was from 94-98..I was 28 when it ended...the night she told me she wanted out I went to a strip club planning to drink it all away. I got a lap dance from one of the strippers. I spent alot of time going back to see her. We spent a lot of time talking and she never asked me for a penny. Several years later I got a job at that club as a bouncer and she remembered me. We became best friends and still talk to this day. I will always love this song. I wish sometimes I could go back in time to change the timeline...
Joel Cipriano
The style wow hes so amazing thats why i love rob thomas.. The way he sing i always copying it
My mom never let me listen to this song growing up becouse she thought he was supporting domestic violence
Carrie Priddy
This music reminds me of Jeff.
debra covack
Love Matchbox 20 The invisible chains we allow some people to put us in and we take it or lose it. timeless.
Jennifer look
I can relate to this song. I am 38 years old and I still go to sleep to Match box 20
Temple Slug
This band sucks but i dont mind some of their hits
Doctor - PUSH! You can do it, just PUSH!Arnold - Now! Do it now!