Meat Loaf - It Just Won’t Quit (1993)

  • Meat Loaf - It Just Won’t Quit

Clip Info

  • Artist: Meat Loaf
  • Song: It Just Won’t Quit
  • Length: 07:22
  • View count: 631,549
  • Uploaded: 2008-08-30


  • turns an old hippie into a young dog every time!! 63 and still tearing up guitars. Meatloaf was a happy addition to the tapestry of my life.

  • This is a great song... Has anyone ever thought that there should be a Stephen King movie made and there should be Meatloaf songs as the soundtrack?

  • Lightening does strike twice! Hooked on the first, was there as a 20 something for this. Done the long haul, mortgage paid off , homes paid for, opened a shop this week in Poland, got my own business, beautiful Polish girlfriend ( love you Danuta).... Gonna turn my back on that shit, and let it take care off itself, and of us?......We are going to LIVE until our health fails.... Kept the dream burning all this time.

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