I almost fell asleep to this and forgot about the song until I remembered how it sounded so powerful, and now it is one of my favorite songs. Mother Mother will always be a band very close to my heart because their music holds purpose and I really like that.
sean benitez
Why r they not big yet
Ian Scher
Why is this song underrated?? This song deserve more and of course the band.
gently sobseveryone in this video and comment section is beautiful and capable and i love them all and i wish the best for them
Duke Watson
This song is truly the best medicine anyone could ask for.
This is criminally underrated
Dead Salad
I cry every time I listen to it. thank u.
blus z
anyone else notice main (male) vocals are off-center to the right?
Ben C
This song really speaks to my soul.. like.. I love this band for making this
I almost fell asleep to this and forgot about the song until I remembered how it sounded so powerful, and now it is one of my favorite songs. Mother Mother will always be a band very close to my heart because their music holds purpose and I really like that.
Rita Boutros
I think my heart just popped
-Masked -
This is exacly what I needed in „those times”