Gillian Burns 2019-05-15 07:12:26 where the fuck are u guys yer musics brill work on another masterpiece plls the world needs a good band
Gillian Burns
where the fuck are u guys yer musics brill work on another masterpiece plls the world needs a good band
I have aged so... what has happened to this place?
The mugger
defo a bob dylan influence there
Rob Stoke
how do i put this on repeat on here?
Fer Leon
This sounds like Tom Petty’s American Girl
Yoav Wassermann
Razorlight = a crap version of strokes
Geek with no name
Alright what’s it occurring?
The Comedy Duo
Why does Johnny say this fuc*ed music up for everyone??
Marco Tonsi
When the music use to be cool.
junglism 09
Am the only one that can hear Bob Dylan rolling stone in this. ...
I miss this so much.. just driving in your car. xxx
Edward Paxton Taylor
I got hypnotised to not follow the story that they wrote!.
Edward Paxton Taylor
I had to figure it out!.