Seether - The Gift (2006)

  • Seether - The Gift

Clip Info

  • Artist: Seether
  • Song: The Gift
  • Length: 04:23
  • View count: 7,691,316
  • Uploaded: 2009-12-02


  • Obviously the video is a different interpretation, but I had heard, and I forget where, that "the gift" refers to being white in South Africa, and how Shaun is ashamed of the overt racism, and the advantages white people had and have there simply by being white.

  • This was my most favorite song all throughout my teens. All the emotions, the rawness of his voice, just...everything. ❤

  • This song is about his daughter who was put up for adoption and she reached beck to him when she was older and he told he he wishes she would go kill herself so she did and that is what this song is about. At least what i have found. He sais that it is up for you to decide.

  • I work in a penitentiary and we house severl inmates who are locked up for vehicular homicide once you get a chance to talk to them it makes you hate drinking and driving even more

  • Losing my beautiful wife too young and not knowing how to raise our babies alone but knowing i will for her. Thats the gift im afraid to fuck up.... Beautiful song makes me tear up all the time.

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