Shinedown - GET UP (2018)

  • Shinedown - GET UP

Clip Info

  • Artist: Shinedown
  • Song: GET UP
  • Length: 04:08
  • View count: 34,438,180
  • Uploaded: 2018-08-08


  • This song is pure inspiration to me and lift’s me to the realization that yes I can accomplish anything with dedication and persistence... the power of positive music is incredible!

  • This song came out the day my best friend died in a car accident. Never thought 4 hours before was the last time I would see.him this side of heaven! Love u J and miss u every day

  • Absolutely love shinedown! and this song is no different...absolutely great message and unique shinedown way.

  • I have met Shinedown and they are one amazing band. They sound the same in person. I battle with severe depression and a lot of times I resort to listening to Shinedown and it helps me through it. So for whoever has anything bad to say about this bad all I can say is I guess you really don’t know the true meanings of the words they are saying. I love this group. Keep up the wonderful work and awesome songs...

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