He looked so awesome on stage with his badass necklaces, earrings. When he was duded up blowing out his amps - he just set the place on fire and when the show was over, it was as quiet as church. STV always took his hat off and took a bow. Another too good for this earth. He plays for the angels and God, now.RIP and may perpetual light shine upon thee.
Lizzie Sangi
He looked so awesome on stage with his badass necklaces, earrings. When he was duded up blowing out his amps - he just set the place on fire and when the show was over, it was as quiet as church. STV always took his hat off and took a bow. Another too good for this earth. He plays for the angels and God, now.RIP and may perpetual light shine upon thee.
The drum feel on this tune is unbelievably cool... This drummer was underrated and his live playing was phenominal.
Mylife 4you
better than most. bless you, friend.
mary parsain
stevie is my all time fave u know its good blues when it scrunches ur face and curls. ur lips.. my opinion svv. tops
Great groove, even if it does speed up. :)
J Hunter
used to skin up on this album
kevin stumpf
One of the greatest losses of my era...Sadly missed. You were a legend before your time my brother. R.I.PSRV....
Tony Shalom
One of the top guitarists of all time !!!!!!!!
Lyndon Lucius
This guy is one of the grates .