The Feeling - Join With Us (2008)

  • The Feeling - Join With Us

    Clip Info

    • Artist: The Feeling
    • Song: Join With Us
    • Length: 04:15
    • View count: 102,217
    • Uploaded: 2011-02-19


    • It was the record company’s fault that this wasn’t a bigger success and a more famous song. It was the fourth single off the album, but the previous 2 singles missed the top 50 so the record company didn’t bother giving this single the full promotional push it deserved, probably now assuming The Feeling’s days of commercial hit singles had now passed. This should have been either the first or second single off the album and made a record company top priority - the band would’ve kept getting bigger if this had been a commercial and radio success. This was at a time when guitar based bands could still have hit singles in the UK.