Thrice - Black Honey (2016)

  • Thrice - Black Honey

Clip Info

  • Artist: Thrice
  • Song: Black Honey
  • Length: 04:19
  • View count: 40,355,178
  • Uploaded: 2016-05-17


  • Been here since identity crisis by far my favorite band since 14-15 years young. Ha -yeah, I’m going to be 32 lol

  • Thank you to all your dedication and all the meaning behind your well placed words that become well arranged with sound. Thrice has a long way to go on their journey and Ill be happy to follow them through their journey. I cant sum up everything I want to say with a coment. Thank you for let in us interpret your songs in a way we feel it suits us to say this is what you really mean to say. I feel like a child that you are telling me a good night story and later I feel there are really strong meanings to this well arranged words you speak of. Have been listening to you 4 since better Impressions.

  • I asked Amazon Alexa to play metal music, she played this song. I asked "Alexa, name of this song?" and she said "the best song ever". True story.

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