Pete Sheehan 2019-04-13 14:19:55 Gave myself a hernia playing sax in a funk band. Perfect soundtrack.
E - Ticket Entertainment 2019-03-06 11:44:19 HAHAHAHAHAHA. Al is great and still going strong. His music will never get old with his parody spoof songs.
Juan Reyes 2019-02-19 05:41:03 I had two hernia operations before the age of 18. The hernia or testicle kept ascending. The second operation was successful.
DCA - Lets Play 2018-06-28 02:09:49 I have sent this to my friend who had a hernia I expect to be killed in the next few days
Booyaka9000 2018-05-03 04:12:25 Literally only know the different types of hernia because of seeing this track as a kid.
Pete Sheehan
Gave myself a hernia playing sax in a funk band. Perfect soundtrack.
Michael Barnidge Jr
The man is truly a national treasure.
E - Ticket Entertainment
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Al is great and still going strong. His music will never get old with his parody spoof songs.
Juan Reyes
I had two hernia operations before the age of 18. The hernia or testicle kept ascending. The second operation was successful.
James Sawyer
I bet band aid companies and doctors are using this
the similarities of this to the original is astonishing
Isaías Sosa
I just love the passion with which he does his parodies.
Brian Hillenbrand
Had one when I was 10 years old.Dam,Forty Five years ago!
DCA - Lets Play
I have sent this to my friend who had a hernia I expect to be killed in the next few days
Literally only know the different types of hernia because of seeing this track as a kid.