Yoni & Geti - Madeline (2016)

  • Yoni & Geti - Madeline

Clip Info

  • Artist: Yoni & Geti
  • Song: Madeline
  • Length: 04:18
  • View count: 85,177
  • Uploaded: 2016-05-23


  • Cincinnati is a crazy place, because it is crazy miserable here and yet somehow the whole place feels more balanced than anywhere else. We make every list for the most gentrified, race divided, poor, etc cities and its 100% true but Cinci has something benign to it, almost motherly. The whole city is decaying but upwards, the river floods more than it is useful, walking down the street in Northside you look up the history of a house and its been a drug den twice, everything is shutting down and moving elsewhere. But when you drive over the bridge from Kentucky and see this half assed skyline, and beautiful river with antique river boats and its so beautiful it could just break your bones. I feel like more people should be making mopey art about it.

  • The album is a mixed bag, but this is one of the better songs. The video one ups the song and turned out great.